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Castaways, Survivor: Redemption Island, Uncategorized

Mike Chiesl

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Mike Chiesl

Official CBS cast bio (Redemption Island)

Mike Chiesl (31)
Tribe Designation: Zapatera
Current Residence: Del Mar, Calif.
Occupation: Former Marine
Personal Claim to Fame: Bringing all my Marines home after my first deployment to Iraq.
Inspiration in Life: My grandfather. He was a B-17 Navigator during World War II and spent two years in a POW Camp.
Hobbies: Scuba-diving, football and golf.
Pet Peeves: Selfishness and laziness.
3 Words to Describe You: Determined, disciplined and outgoing/outspoken.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Rudy. Nobody was intimidated by him, so he wasnÂ’t voted out early and he had the ability to tough it out.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: Winning the competition and earning the million dollar prize.
Why you think you’ll survive SURVIVOR: The mental toughness I’ve developed from serving in the Marines and playing college football at the US Naval Academy.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I like to think outside of the box, and I am socially aware and strong athletically.


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